One of my favorite books to do with my class in October is "The Little Old Lady that was Not Afraid of Anything" by Linda Williams.
This is a great book to do with Preschool/kindergarden students and special needs. It has a familiar content (pants, shoes, shirt, pumpkin), repeating lines and easy to do motions to go with the story. This is always a fun story for the kids as well who love to have me whisper in their ear, knock on the wall and say "Boo" from behind a mask as I am reading!
One fun way to engage the children when you are reading the story to to have clothes and a pumpkin mask in a box or duffel bag. As you get to the page in the story bring out the pair of shoes for a child to stomp on the ground, a pair of pants for someone to wiggle etc. I like to put a tic tac container with a few beads in the pocket of the shirt (safety pinned closed), and a heavy piece of crinkly paper pined into the pants, so that they make noise as the child shakes or wiggles it. The kids can just sit and do the motions each time the line is read, OR use these to act out the story.
To act out, have one student be the Little Old Lady (with a hat and basket), the other children can follow her as the story is read. This is fun to do even with a large class, have 1/2 the class as the audience and then have the groups switch. If needed you could give one child one glove and one shoe each (it is fun to watch them work as a team to "clap clap" and "clomp clomp"together).
This is a great story to have sequence cards for, as the children learn the story and understand the order of the events in the story. Flannel board pieces are also a great tool to use instead of the props, and the children can help make a scarecrow as the story is read. These are both fun additions to your literacy center.
If you are looking for a game, LA, Math or and other fun activities
to do to supplement reading the book:
CLICK HERE to download free dice game